Tuesday, December 1, 2015



December 2nd 2015

The fun starts at 9:00 with Allegion counter day at 
Doyle Security Products
2211 West River Road North
Minneapolis, MN 55411

Then scoot on over for our Monthly Meeting at 

Broadway Pizza
2025 West River Road North
Minneapolis, MN 55411

With Education provided by Paul Hattenberger from

Meeting starts at 7:00 but for Dinner and Drinks, 
come as early as 5:30

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

PLT Continuing Education Credits

December 15th 2015 (Tuesday)

Tri-Ed Distributing in Eagan, MN

Class starts promptly at 8:00am 

If you are late you will not receive credit!!

A light lunch and drinks will be provided

ALOA members $125.00     nonmembers $175.00

Payment submitted to 

Phil Babcock, CRL  651-644-2176
716 Cleveland AV S

St. Paul, MN 55116

Register online with PLT services

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Guess What Tomorrow Is?!?!?!

That's right! It's time for our monthly chapter meeting!! So put on your thinking caps, grab both sets of cheaters, and get ready!

Food and room available at 5:30     

Happy hour available until 6:00

Meeting starts 7:00

Location and directions

Education provided Chad Montalbano; 

Schlage NDE 
        Features and benefits
        Where are ideal applications
         Creating recurring revenue

Monday, August 24, 2015

Guess what? It's that time again!
Wednesday, September 2nd 

Dinner starts 5:30 PM
Meeting at 7:00 pm

Pizza Buffet and Soda $15.00 

Happy hour available until 6:00 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

It's never too late to sign up!!!

Ace tubular class for continuing education credits Free To ALOA Members!!

Hosted by ALOA

Taught by Mark Lundblad 

Join us Saturday 9:00am

Contact Dana Lee for questions or to sign up 612-968-3257 or danaleecml@gmail.com

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Doyle Garage Sale!!!

Come check out Doyle's garage! Scratch and dent, discontinued items, and much more!!

2211 West River Road North
Minneapolis, MN 55411

Monday, June 1, 2015

Monthly Meeting Reminder!!

Just a reminder, the first Wednesday of the month is just a couple days away! Come check out our new location at Broadway Pizza, 2025 West River Road North, on the corner of Broadway and West River Road North. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm, but come early for the awesome pizza buffet, and pre meeting banter. With special guest, Tom Modec from Kaba Acess, specializing in E-PLEX products.

Broadway Pizza

Friday, May 15, 2015

Minutes from meeting 05-06-2015        
Called to order by Alan Morgan

New visitor, Ryan Heilman from Minneapolis Lock and Key
The group choose to forgo the minutes from the April meeting.
Phil Babcock listed the current treasurer’s report as having a forwarded balance of $10,667.63, with a monthly income of $1,043.50; $375.00 meal income, $18.50 education fund, and $650.00 in paid membership dues.  Minus the $375.00 of expense, leaving a total monthly balance of 11,336.13.
The breakdown includes :
6,358.00 in legislative
4,657.48 in the general fund
479.00 in George Hall Scholarship Fund
225.31 in marketing
120.00 in member fund
50.00 in petty cash
29.80 in Toys for tots
-533.46 in education
Phil stated that there were deposits to be made and he and Alan should have an updated balance the week of 05/11/2015
The current membership includes 20 regular members, 9 associates, 4 lifetime, and 2 apprentices.
It was suggested by Dave Paulsrud that until there was a permanent secretary in place, the acting secretary should be reimbursed with a free meal for the meeting. Denny Luek made the motion and Dana Lee seconded it.
Dana Lee announced that the educator that he had scheduled from Alarm Lock would not make it to the meeting and there would be no education section for the meeting. See education calender for updated class listings.

Old Business discussed went over the board meeting held April 15th; which continued the debate of switching to quarterly meetings, improving communication within the board, and with members.
The meeting was called to adjourn By Alan Morgan 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wednesday May 6 General Meeting at BROADWAY PIZZA

Our meeting location has changed! After more than a decade, the MN chapter of ALOA is returning to: 

Broadway Pizza, 2025 West River Rd N, Minneapolis, MN 55411

Social Hour from 5:30 pm until 7:00 pm
General Meeting from 7:00 pm - 7:40 pm (approximately - meetings run +/- 15 minutes depending on material that needs to be covered)

Education immediately following the meeting; our speaker will be Susan Biggers of Napco Security Technologies

Dinner will be available in the meeting rooms, terms tbd (I bet it will be pizza). 

Come early, come late, leave early - you do not have to be a member to attend up to 2 meetings a year.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

April General Meeting Highlights, Board Meeting Wednesday April 15th

First and foremost thanks to Mark Schrantz for a great presentation on Detex products. Detex has a great commitment to tried and true exit alarms and they are also no strangers to innovation. In addition to the workhorses you know and love they also have: exit hardware in several architectural finishes and lever styles, multipoint (more than 3 with a la carte hinge-side bolts!) latching devices for hard-to-secure openings, electronic access-control and plastic templates with every product for a perfect installation every time. (Plus a lot more, go to their website and look at all their products.)

New business of note:

Grumpy's is a great space, but their minimum is something like $300 (or more) and that's just a bit outside what the chapter spends every month. Even with the quarterly meeting proposal on the table, there are up to 6 more meetings scheduled for 2015 and it may well be worth moving to another, more affordable, location.  Broadway Pizza in Minneapolis and the Roasted Pear in Brooklyn Park are proposed locations which have a lower minimum purchase than Grumpy's.

In treasury news, kudos to Phil Babcock: the accounts have finally been transferred and the backlog of checks received over the past couple of months has been deposited. If you have any questions about your membership status or if you sent a check that hasn't cleared yet, contact Phil (phil@babcockandson.com).

Board meeting Wednesday April 15, 6:00 pm at the Roasted Pear

9690 Colorado Lane, Brooklyn Park, MN.

The agenda will feature but not be limited to:

-Quarterly meetings details
-Communication improvements made plus future targets
-New location for remaining 2015 general meetings? 

The board meeting is open for paid members in good standing to attend and observe. This is a dinner meeting (the meeting proper probably won't be convened until about 6:30 pm after folks have a chance to order).

Our next general meeting will be May 6 at Grumpy's.  If the location change somehow goes through before then, it will be published here, to the mailing list, they'll probably call everyone...

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Friday, March 27, 2015

Board Meeting recap and April General Meeting reminder

March 18, 2015 Board meeting summary:

It was discussed that chapter meetings would become quarterly starting in 2016 and that the meetings would be the first weekends of February, May, August, and November. Board meetings could be held once or twice between general meetings, dependant upon the Board's ability to improve communication. The Board voted to procede with the intention to have a proposal for a member vote at the May meeting. 

The details are a work in progress. There was a suggestion to make the meetings weekend based was so that there could be more thorough classes. IDN Hoffman’s Tim Mathewson has offered to host at their warehouse, and Molly from Doyle will check in to whether they can host also.

Dana proposed that the February meeting would be the education weekend event also. There will be extra emphasis placed on securing instructors, and raising awareness. Input for class requests can be brought to the board, or Dana Lee.

Phil intends to complete a full treasurers report before the next meeting. Any inquiry of dues or memberships renewal can be addressed to Phil Babcock or Jim Elmwood.

Thanks to Molly, who attended the board meeting, for providing the recap info.

The next general meeting is Wednesday, April 1st at Grumpy's Roseville. Dinner and social hour in the meeting room from 5:30 until 7, meeting at 7 pm and education following the meeting.

Our speaker will be Mark Schrantz from Detex

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

2015 Dues are Due!

If you haven't renewed your membership for 2015, due it now!

There is a membership renewal form which you can download and print by clicking the tab "Membership Renewal Form" above.

If you have any questions about how to submit your payment, please contact our treasurer, Phil Babcock, phil(at)babcockandson.com.

April 1, 2015 Meeting, No Fooling!

April 2015 Meeting

Our next regular meeting is Wednesday, April 1 at Grumpy's Roseville, 2801 Snelling Avenue, 
Roseville, MN 55113, (651) 379-1180.

Dinner/social hour in the meeting room from 6:00 - 7:00 pm, with the general meeting at 7 and education following the meeting - come for all or part, 
everyone welcome.

Our speaker will be Mark Schrantz.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Are quarterly meetings right for the Minnesota Chapter of ALOA?

The question has been raised whether the membership of MNALOA would be better served by fewer meetings.

The quarterly, weekend meeting has clear merit for members outside the metro area who would prefer not to be driving two, three or more hours home after a Wednesday meeting that routinely gets out at 9 pm.

Neighboring chapter Fox Valley has quarterly, Saturday meetings and Iowa is on a less-set schedule than that, frequently incorporating their meetings into education events. It works well for them: the meetings are longer, often on weekends, and the education programming is generally more substantial than we are able to offer in the monthly, mid-week meeting format.

In favor of the monthly meeting: it's great to have a regular pattern that everyone remembers.  First Wednesday of the month? Synonymous with MN locksmiths (except in July and August). High frequency mid-week meetings offer a natural bookend on a work day and a casual, consistent networking opportunity.

It is also relatively easy to get a variety of free educational speakers for short presentations during the week. The targeted greater substance of Saturday programming would potentially come at a cost which would need to be accounted for.

It will undoubtably be a point of discussion at the next board meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, March 18th, 6pm at the Golden Gate Cafe located in the Midway Shopping Center, 1464 University Avenue West, St Paul, MN 55104. And, of course, at regular monthly meetings which will continue at Grumpy's until further notice (details under "Minnesota Chapter Meetings" tab above).

Thursday, March 5, 2015

March Meeting Recap

Last night's meeting was a lively event!

Ricardo Ortizcazarin gave a very well-received marketing presentation; he described advertising in terms of identifying personal goals, morals and priorities and then using those dots to point to your customers and gain their patronage. There were many good lessons for business and life: we thank him for sharing his time and insight.

Some highlights of the general meeting:

    • Renewed push to publish a newsletter on a regular schedule
    • Advance scheduling and member notification of board meeting times and locations
    • Updated paper and e-mail mailing lists (many members have expressed a desire receive the newsletter in digital-only format).
    • Commitment to getting the financial side of things back on track by April’s general meeting.
    • We have 2 vacant member at large positions as well as the vice chair open. A timeline is not yet established, but nominations and special elections are receiving some attention.
    • Proposal to go to quarterly, Saturday meetings instead of monthly midweek.

The next board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 18th, 6pm at the Golden Gate Cafe located in the Midway Shopping Center, 1464 University Avenue West, St Paul, MN 55104. 

Friday, February 6, 2015

March Meeting Education - Ricardo Ortizcazarin from Cazarin Interactive

March 2015 Meeting

Our next regular meeting is Wednesday, March 4 at Grumpy's Roseville, 2801 Snelling Avenue, 
Roseville, MN 55113, (651) 379-1180.

5:30 - 7:00 pm Dinner/social hour in the meeting room 

7:00 pm Education *before the meeting* Ricardo Ortizcazarin will give a presentation on websites and internet marketing including information on what you can expect to pay to have a website built, what ongoing hosting costs to expect, and how to find a reputable service provider who is a good match for your business needs. Ricardo is the founder of Cazarin Interactive, a Maple Grove based leader in Twin Cities web design and marketing since 1988.

General meeting immediately following eduction - will start no later than 8 pm

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Iowa Chapter of ALOA Announces 2015 Class Schedule

2015 Classes presented by the Iowa Chapter of ALOA

Find all class details on web: www.iowachapteraloa.com/classes 

Saturday, February 21, 2015: CX5 High Security Locks 
Instructor: Mike Merritt www.mikesekeys4cars.com 
Location: 11 Commercial Park Rd, Mason City, IA 50401 
Time: 1:00pm - 5:00pm 
Cost: $15.00 

Saturday, May 9, 2015: Introduction to Safe Servicing (SV001) 
Instructor: Harry Sher, CML, CPS 
Location: Holiday Inn Airport 6111 Fleur Drive, Des Moines, IA 50321 
Time: 8:00am - 5:00pm 
Cost: $150.00 (includes lunch) $125.00 Iowa Chapter Member (includes lunch)
Test: After class PRP Test (L-24), cost: $25.00 
Cancelled due to lack of registrants

Sunday, May 10, 2015: ALOA PRP Sitting - Testing 
Location: Holiday Inn Airport, 6111 Fleur Dr. Des Moines, IA 
Time: 8:00am -12:00pm 
Registration forms must be turned in to ALOA by April 24, 2015 
Cancelled due to lack of registrants

Saturday, August 1, 2015: Tips, Tricks, Transponders & Eeprom 
Instructor: Jim Hetchler, CAL www.keypro.com 
Location: Holiday Inn Airport 6111 Fleur Drive, Des Moines, IA 50321 
Time: 8:00am - 5:00pm 
Cost: $75.00 (includes lunch) $50.00 Iowa Chapter Member (includes lunch) 

September 26 - 27, 2015: Safe Penetration Drilling *2-Day Class*
Instructor: Dave McOmie www.davemcomie.com 
Location: 11 Commercial Park Rd, Mason City, IA 50401 
Time: 8:00am - 5:00pm Saturday & Sunday 
Cost: $225.00 (includes lunch) $200.00 Iowa Chapter Member (includes lunch) Test: After class PRP Test (L-33) cost: $25.00 

Updated 4-17 - per email notice from Iowa chapter, they have had to cancel the May 9-10 events because there weren't enough attendees signed up.

Upcoming Allegion Lock Classes February 24-26

Wednesday, February 24, 8:30-4:30 Schlage ND-Series Cylindrical Lock Servicing (LK101)

Thursday, February 25, 8:30-4:30 Schlage L-Series Mortise Lock Servicing (LK102)

Friday, February 26, 8:30-4:30 Schlage Cylinder Servicing (CY101)

Instructor: Peter Yost
Continuing Education Credit:1 point toward maintaining your ALOA certified status (per class)

Contact: Margie Morgan
Email: margie.morgan@allegion.com
Phone: 952-674-4955

Location Details:
SSC North Central
6230 Bury Drive
Eden Prairie MN 55346 

Friday, January 30, 2015

February 2015 Meeting

Our next regular meeting is Wednesday, February 4 at Grumpy's Roseville, 2801 Snelling Avenue, 
Roseville, MN 55113, (651) 379-1180.

Dinner/social hour in the meeting room from 6:00 - 7:00 pm with the general meeting at 7 - come for all or part, 
everyone welcome.

Looking forward to seeing YOU there!