Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Next Trade Show Appearance - Doyle Show 2008
Look for the MN Chapter Table at the Doyle Trade Show on Saturday, September 20, 2008.
Second Annual Locksmith Swap Meet
EL Reinhardt hosted the Second Annual Minnesota Chapter of ALOA Swap Meet at their location on Saturday, August 16th.
ELR kept the big top over from their Customer Appreciation Day - it was a great venue and a great day and I can hardly think how to thank Ken and the rest of his staff who showed up to support us on such a beautiful Satuday.
Rosemarie went above and beyond with baked goods of exceedingly high quality and very reasonable price, we had an ALOA table with membership information and donated items for sale, and a great team of people who made set-up and take-down a breeze.
All proceeds from the ALOA table, bake sale and table fees went to the George Hall Scholarship fund and we raised nearly $400.
The only real hitch was, like last year, rather less total participation than we had hoped for. The participants we had were utterly first rate - but we could use a few more.
We're already thinking of next year so if you didn't come this year, we want to know why!
Please don't be shy about submitting suggestions via the comments below (you can do so anonymously) or by e-mailing Rebecca or Rosemarie (contact info at upper right).
ELR kept the big top over from their Customer Appreciation Day - it was a great venue and a great day and I can hardly think how to thank Ken and the rest of his staff who showed up to support us on such a beautiful Satuday.
Rosemarie went above and beyond with baked goods of exceedingly high quality and very reasonable price, we had an ALOA table with membership information and donated items for sale, and a great team of people who made set-up and take-down a breeze.
All proceeds from the ALOA table, bake sale and table fees went to the George Hall Scholarship fund and we raised nearly $400.
The only real hitch was, like last year, rather less total participation than we had hoped for. The participants we had were utterly first rate - but we could use a few more.
We're already thinking of next year so if you didn't come this year, we want to know why!
Please don't be shy about submitting suggestions via the comments below (you can do so anonymously) or by e-mailing Rebecca or Rosemarie (contact info at upper right).
EL Reinhardt Customer Appreciation Day
On August 14th EL Reinhardt hosted their Annual Customer Appreciation Day and Trade Show!
There was a Big Top tent in the parking lot, great BBQ, a good crowd and - right in the middle of everything - the Minnesota Chapter of ALOA booth.
That's two trade shows in a row and, folks, I think we're on a roll!
We had a nice selection of literature including Learning Curve Brochures, membership applications and Keys to Hiring a Locksmith marketing mock ups.
What's that last thing, you say? Well, it's deceptively simple: Rosemarie fixed up a double-sided 3x5 handout with tips for choosing a good locksmith. The idea is that we would bind 50 or so of these mini-flyers into a pad and provide them to individuals in the locksmithing community for a nominal fee.
Locksmiths would purchase the pads of flyers (proceeds to the marketing fund) and then have a handy source of self promotional material to hand out to customers and potential customers.
The flyer outlines techniques for and benefits of selecting a qualified, professional locksmith: it promotes our entire industry, reminds people of the quality of service they should expect for the money they spend, and includes a modest endorsement for membership in the local chapter of ALOA.
We have some fine tuning to do on the wording, but thus far the flyers have been met with broad approval, interest and maybe even a little enthusiasm!
Our next step will be to print a run and see how they go.
There was a Big Top tent in the parking lot, great BBQ, a good crowd and - right in the middle of everything - the Minnesota Chapter of ALOA booth.

We had a nice selection of literature including Learning Curve Brochures, membership applications and Keys to Hiring a Locksmith marketing mock ups.
What's that last thing, you say? Well, it's deceptively simple: Rosemarie fixed up a double-sided 3x5 handout with tips for choosing a good locksmith. The idea is that we would bind 50 or so of these mini-flyers into a pad and provide them to individuals in the locksmithing community for a nominal fee.
Locksmiths would purchase the pads of flyers (proceeds to the marketing fund) and then have a handy source of self promotional material to hand out to customers and potential customers.
The flyer outlines techniques for and benefits of selecting a qualified, professional locksmith: it promotes our entire industry, reminds people of the quality of service they should expect for the money they spend, and includes a modest endorsement for membership in the local chapter of ALOA.
We have some fine tuning to do on the wording, but thus far the flyers have been met with broad approval, interest and maybe even a little enthusiasm!
Our next step will be to print a run and see how they go.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Trade Show Participation
This past July Rosemarie and I attended the Doyle Security Customer Appreciation Day!
We had a table with a modest display and we handed out swap meet flyers, keys to selecting a locksmith marketing cards and membership applications.
Ok, so I wish we'd handed out applications - I think maybe somebody took one - but honestly, it was probably just because he needed to write something else entirely on the back. Lots of people, just not that many wanting to talk about Their Local Locksmith Association.
I can't say I was ever promised instant gratification in this position, so I suppose I can't say I'm suprised. But seriously, it's going to be an awful lot like work to keep this up. Truly, it's going to be more like work to get anyone to help out if I keep talking it up like this.
I'll be representing the local chapter again at the EL Reinhardt customer appreciation Barbeque on August 14 and at the Swap Meet on the 16th. Once again I'll have applications and lots of information about the local association - plus education brochures - woo hoo!
So I'll see all you attentive blog readers numbering up in the... well - ok. I'll be there. Good then, I'll see me there.
I dare me to try to not see me there.
It's a good thing we get along.
We had a table with a modest display and we handed out swap meet flyers, keys to selecting a locksmith marketing cards and membership applications.
Ok, so I wish we'd handed out applications - I think maybe somebody took one - but honestly, it was probably just because he needed to write something else entirely on the back. Lots of people, just not that many wanting to talk about Their Local Locksmith Association.
I can't say I was ever promised instant gratification in this position, so I suppose I can't say I'm suprised. But seriously, it's going to be an awful lot like work to keep this up. Truly, it's going to be more like work to get anyone to help out if I keep talking it up like this.
I'll be representing the local chapter again at the EL Reinhardt customer appreciation Barbeque on August 14 and at the Swap Meet on the 16th. Once again I'll have applications and lots of information about the local association - plus education brochures - woo hoo!
So I'll see all you attentive blog readers numbering up in the... well - ok. I'll be there. Good then, I'll see me there.
I dare me to try to not see me there.
It's a good thing we get along.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Take Time To Be A Part Of Your Organization
I was looking forward to being a part of the phone meeting on marketing. But I was one week late. I should have checked back to the email that Rebecca sent out. Talking to people I know in other nonprofits about what we want to accomplish I received a lot of feedback. Most of it was pertaining to items we already discussed. Then about a week later I received a few calls back asking what we had come up with. Seems that other groups talked about this and wanted to know more!
In reading the blogs that are already out there it looks to me that our ducks are in a row. Now we need to shoot them skin them and eat. In that order.
The thing we need to do is make sure we put this together and after we succeed (which we will ) we need to get this out to all the local chapters across the country.
In reading the blogs that are already out there it looks to me that our ducks are in a row. Now we need to shoot them skin them and eat. In that order.
The thing we need to do is make sure we put this together and after we succeed (which we will ) we need to get this out to all the local chapters across the country.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Fundraising is a topic that's comes up early and often. It's going to need to be done. There are a lot of options for raising money as a non-profit organization - but also a lot of restrictions.
There's a limit to how much money that our chapter can have in the bank and still keep our nonprofit (tax exempt) status. We also have to be careful about 'selling' product.
For example, if we 'sell' a subscription to a monthly newsletter and then fail to deliver said newsletter one month, we may be obligated to supply a refund. Whereas if the newsletter subscription is included 'free' with membership, then there is no liability if we decide to take a break from publishing in July and August.
That same rule governs our submittal guidelines for advertisements. It's a case-by-case situation in which the advertiser might compensate us for the advertisement by 'donating' the postage for that month's issue or some similar contribution.
As we enter into the fundraising stage of this project, there are sure to be raffles and drawings and all manner of solicitations. It's a great time to get creative about what we, as an organization, can offer people for free-with-donation.
It's also a great time to consider the possiblity of widening our fundraising market to include non-members. It's easy to forget sometimes, but we are locksmiths and we have valuable skills that most people do not posess. Could we get a booth at a neighborhood home show and raffle off a few full-house re-keys with security assessment?
We could offer free advice, maybe split the raffle funds with the local neighborhood association in exchage for taking up the space and - in a strange twist of fate - market ourselves in the process!
Comment below or email
There's a limit to how much money that our chapter can have in the bank and still keep our nonprofit (tax exempt) status. We also have to be careful about 'selling' product.
For example, if we 'sell' a subscription to a monthly newsletter and then fail to deliver said newsletter one month, we may be obligated to supply a refund. Whereas if the newsletter subscription is included 'free' with membership, then there is no liability if we decide to take a break from publishing in July and August.
That same rule governs our submittal guidelines for advertisements. It's a case-by-case situation in which the advertiser might compensate us for the advertisement by 'donating' the postage for that month's issue or some similar contribution.
As we enter into the fundraising stage of this project, there are sure to be raffles and drawings and all manner of solicitations. It's a great time to get creative about what we, as an organization, can offer people for free-with-donation.
It's also a great time to consider the possiblity of widening our fundraising market to include non-members. It's easy to forget sometimes, but we are locksmiths and we have valuable skills that most people do not posess. Could we get a booth at a neighborhood home show and raffle off a few full-house re-keys with security assessment?
We could offer free advice, maybe split the raffle funds with the local neighborhood association in exchage for taking up the space and - in a strange twist of fate - market ourselves in the process!
Comment below or email
Contributors Wanted
If you'd like to leave a comment, you can do so by clicking on the comments link at the end of each post. Anonymous commenting is enabled at this time so you do not have to sign in or have an account in order to comment.
If you'd like to contribute article content, you are invited to become an author. Send an e-mail to and include your preferred e-mail contact info - and who you are if it isn't altogether obvious - and we'll set you up.
If you'd like to contribute article content, you are invited to become an author. Send an e-mail to and include your preferred e-mail contact info - and who you are if it isn't altogether obvious - and we'll set you up.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Marketing Agents
Marketing Agents are a bit like Real Estate Agents: they work on commission, they are only paid in the event of a sale, and it's good to find one you like and then commit to him or her for a long term relationship.
The MN Chapter is probably going to need a marketing agent. It is possible that we could go out and buy ad space or air time directly - but much like buying a house, there are pitfalls and it can get pretty complicated.
A lot of the information I have come into recently has been courtesy of Blaine Lock's agent, Tom*. He has something like 20 years of history in this region with a variety of clients - in particular, he has prior experience with non-profits.
Right now, Tom* is our only candidate. That's fine if everyone agrees - but all suggestions are welcome. The commitment isn't contractually binding, but we still shouldn't undertake it lightly.
It may be advisable to interview other marketing agents in order to corroborate some of Tom*'s advice and to make sure that we are making informed decisions. Then again, we're also pretty fond of networking in the organization and we would be acting on a recommendation from one of our members.
This issue will stay open for the summer - we'll accept suggestions for a couple of months at least and put it to a vote no sooner than September.
You can tell I'm smack on the fence about this - anyone who has any experience with ad agents or with advertising in general should chip in here.
*I also don't know what internet/blog etiquette says about using last names in semi public places - so for now, I'm leaving them off to play it safe.
The MN Chapter is probably going to need a marketing agent. It is possible that we could go out and buy ad space or air time directly - but much like buying a house, there are pitfalls and it can get pretty complicated.
A lot of the information I have come into recently has been courtesy of Blaine Lock's agent, Tom*. He has something like 20 years of history in this region with a variety of clients - in particular, he has prior experience with non-profits.
Right now, Tom* is our only candidate. That's fine if everyone agrees - but all suggestions are welcome. The commitment isn't contractually binding, but we still shouldn't undertake it lightly.
It may be advisable to interview other marketing agents in order to corroborate some of Tom*'s advice and to make sure that we are making informed decisions. Then again, we're also pretty fond of networking in the organization and we would be acting on a recommendation from one of our members.
This issue will stay open for the summer - we'll accept suggestions for a couple of months at least and put it to a vote no sooner than September.
You can tell I'm smack on the fence about this - anyone who has any experience with ad agents or with advertising in general should chip in here.
*I also don't know what internet/blog etiquette says about using last names in semi public places - so for now, I'm leaving them off to play it safe.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Marketing Committee Meeting 05-18-08
The Marketing Committee had a phone-in meeting on 5-18-08.
Rosemarie, Eric and Rebecca attended.
The meeting went fairly well - the phone bridge system provided by Eric was quite functional - although with many people on line at the same time it would be very important to plan against background noises and for everyone to be familiar with the mute button on their phones.
The current status of the marketing campaign is as follows:
Manufacturers (like Schlage and Assa) are not very free with their discretionary marketing funds. In general, they want to see 3 things before they would consider contributing financially to our campaign:
1. A marketing plan - a detailed outline of what we want to use the money for and how it will benefit them to give it to us.
2. A resume - who are we, anyway, and why should they trust us with their money?
3. Money - we've got to have it in order to get it. Manufacturers are not inclined to give money to organizations with no resources at all - they are much more likely to match existing funds.
(Reference casual interviews with mfrs and mfrs representatives as well as conversation with Tom, professional advertising media agent - more on him later).
Being as the committee is pretty small, we're taking this a little bit at a time.
Rosemarie is working on publishing the soundbites from her radio spots on cards that can be given to locksmiths to give to their customers. They will follow a basic format of "Tips for finding a good locksmith, " with a general suggestion that a good starting point is to check their membership in MN ALOA.
This is a little bit of marketing the marketing in order to increase participation in the committee by immediately enhancing the value of a chapter membership. It will also serve as a basis for the Marketing Plan and Resume - the more the manufacturers' contributions can be requested to enhance an existing, functional campaign - the more they will want to participate.
Eric is working on website applications. The chapter's website at has been a great tool up until now, but it is managed with a commercial software product. The increased availability and quality of open source software has led us to conclude that we may be able to do far more with a website by spending less money. At the very least, it's worth looking into.
The motivation for updating the website is to provide a more dynamic platform where we could, well, do more stuff: specifically, more interactive stuff - forums, announcements, calendars, monetary contributions and dues payments.
Rebecca is putting together this Blog. Just as an experiment in communication. We'll see how it goes.
Rosemarie, Eric and Rebecca attended.
The meeting went fairly well - the phone bridge system provided by Eric was quite functional - although with many people on line at the same time it would be very important to plan against background noises and for everyone to be familiar with the mute button on their phones.
The current status of the marketing campaign is as follows:
Manufacturers (like Schlage and Assa) are not very free with their discretionary marketing funds. In general, they want to see 3 things before they would consider contributing financially to our campaign:
1. A marketing plan - a detailed outline of what we want to use the money for and how it will benefit them to give it to us.
2. A resume - who are we, anyway, and why should they trust us with their money?
3. Money - we've got to have it in order to get it. Manufacturers are not inclined to give money to organizations with no resources at all - they are much more likely to match existing funds.
(Reference casual interviews with mfrs and mfrs representatives as well as conversation with Tom, professional advertising media agent - more on him later).
Being as the committee is pretty small, we're taking this a little bit at a time.
Rosemarie is working on publishing the soundbites from her radio spots on cards that can be given to locksmiths to give to their customers. They will follow a basic format of "Tips for finding a good locksmith, " with a general suggestion that a good starting point is to check their membership in MN ALOA.
This is a little bit of marketing the marketing in order to increase participation in the committee by immediately enhancing the value of a chapter membership. It will also serve as a basis for the Marketing Plan and Resume - the more the manufacturers' contributions can be requested to enhance an existing, functional campaign - the more they will want to participate.
Eric is working on website applications. The chapter's website at has been a great tool up until now, but it is managed with a commercial software product. The increased availability and quality of open source software has led us to conclude that we may be able to do far more with a website by spending less money. At the very least, it's worth looking into.
The motivation for updating the website is to provide a more dynamic platform where we could, well, do more stuff: specifically, more interactive stuff - forums, announcements, calendars, monetary contributions and dues payments.
Rebecca is putting together this Blog. Just as an experiment in communication. We'll see how it goes.
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