There was a Big Top tent in the parking lot, great BBQ, a good crowd and - right in the middle of everything - the Minnesota Chapter of ALOA booth.

We had a nice selection of literature including Learning Curve Brochures, membership applications and Keys to Hiring a Locksmith marketing mock ups.
What's that last thing, you say? Well, it's deceptively simple: Rosemarie fixed up a double-sided 3x5 handout with tips for choosing a good locksmith. The idea is that we would bind 50 or so of these mini-flyers into a pad and provide them to individuals in the locksmithing community for a nominal fee.
Locksmiths would purchase the pads of flyers (proceeds to the marketing fund) and then have a handy source of self promotional material to hand out to customers and potential customers.
The flyer outlines techniques for and benefits of selecting a qualified, professional locksmith: it promotes our entire industry, reminds people of the quality of service they should expect for the money they spend, and includes a modest endorsement for membership in the local chapter of ALOA.
We have some fine tuning to do on the wording, but thus far the flyers have been met with broad approval, interest and maybe even a little enthusiasm!
Our next step will be to print a run and see how they go.
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