We had really nice recaps from Rosemarie on the banquet - which went fantastically well - and from Dana on the Education weekend, also a great success. We also had elections - and here, I apologize, I don't know what came over me, but I wasn't taking notes.
So take the following with a grain of salt, but I believe it shook down thusly for the 2014-2015 terms (election results and more below the page break):
Alan Morgan all but swept the race for Chair and will be leading the motley crew for another 2 years.
Patrick Moseng narrowly eked out another term as Vice Chair with unanimous (or very nearly unanimous) support.
Robert Morgan was also elected as a member at large -which marks a fairly meteoric political rise, even by MN chapter standards, no doubt owing to the tremendous work he has been doing on the Website and Newsletter.
Phil Babcock emerged victorious as the Education Chair - all hail, Education Chair Phil!
Mike Sullivan was elected member at large by a significant - possibly 100% - margin to the Hospitality Chair which Rosemaire vacated. The seat was on the 2013-2014 schedule so Mike may have an out as early as the next election, but if he doesn't press the matter, I say we hold him over to 2017.
And lastly, I would be remiss in not including special mention of Dana Lee who successfully avoided being elected to the board for the first time in over a decade. Congratulations, Mr. Lee, and many more.
The meeting and elections, so cordially conducted, were followed by Nate Spitz Presents: Allegion Updates!
Nate Spitz Presents is becoming a favorite after dinner education feature of the Minnesota Locksmiths, as is evidenced by having him back so hot on the heels of his last engagement in December.
If you missed this meeting, you missed a very nice product review and one of the best branded giveaways that we've seen since the heyday of such things back in the early aughts. Swag is always nice in its swag ways, but it's also about being included in marketing updates, especially at the individual locksmith and shop level, and that is much appreciated.
Thanks, Nate Spitz with Allegion, we are growing accustomed to your tangeriney ways.
And thanks to everyone who attended the meeting and we are looking forward to seeing you all again in April at
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