Friday, May 23, 2014

Door Knob of the Day - Special, International Edition!

Photo generously provided by the
Blogger's globtrotting Mom

We are so pleased to bring you this very splendid doorknob, just in from The Onassis Foundation Building in Athens, Greece!  Our first international submittal and it is soooooo Greek to me!

Greek yogurt is smooth, velvety and has more protein than regular yogurt: I think the same can be said for this really neat doorknob.

Rounded and smooth, it has a lot body like fine Greek olive oil.

It is also octagonal - interesting and a little sharp like Greek feta cheese.

This is a doorknob with complexity and there are a lot of complexes named after Greeks.

Perfect proportion describes this doorknob, also no arms, much like the classic statues of antiquity.

And last but not least, we would be remiss in not noting the finish which evokes the lustre of Grecian Formula.

Below, you will find a picture of the door itself and it's happy lucky partner door 
which so elevate our thinking on means of ingress and egress 
that we hardly know where to begin.
So that is where we will end.

Very beautiful Greek pĆ³rtes - thank you so much Mom for the photo.

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